Bethel Norwalk

Ministry Highlights

Ministry Highlights

  • Church School

    11:30 AM on the Second, third and fourth Sundays in 102 A for Adults; Youth and Young Adults: Second and Third Sundays in Dana Hall.

  • Bible Study

    Bible Study Weekly Schedule via Zoom: Wednesdays at 6 PM; 7 PM and Thursdays at 12 Noon.

  • Rent Rebate

    The Connecticut Rent Rebate Program for persons 65 years of age and over is under the auspices of the Philippian Ministry of the Church. Sis. Deidra Davis and Sis. Sonia Downer Pirro are the official contact persons for the Church. Please reach out to one of them should you have questions or concerns.

Bethel Board Meetings

Trustee Board

First Tuesday of each month

Stewardship & Finance Commission

Third Thursdsay of each month

Steward Board

First Thursday of each month

Official Board

Fourth Tuesday of each month

Bible Study Schedule